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Two Standard-Systems Directly Recommended for Certification
Author:石家庄国祥运输设备有限公司    From: 2020-12-1 15:36:40

On November 24, KING company once again obtained the direct recommendation certification which is the highest level in the field of system audit for ISO45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System.

The certification is made by Intertek Quality and Technical Service Co., Ltd. combining the annual supervision audit for the two standard-systems of KING with the conversion certification. After the off-site document audit by two persons in one day and the on-site audit by three persons in two and half days, the audit team confirms that the management process of the two standard-systems and the document evaluation standard of KING meet the requirements of ISO14001:2015 and ISO45001:2018, which are effective in operation and can be certified continuously.

The audit team has conducted a earnest audit on the identification of the organization and internal and external environment, requirements and expectations of relevant parties, operation planning of two standard-systems, confirmation of applicable laws and regulations, occupational health and safety and environmental management policy, job responsibilities and authority, planning of coping with risks and opportunities, management of review and internal audit, continuous improvement and so on, inspected the key areas of safety production focusing on the areas and activities that significant risks may arise. The audit team also paid close attention to the organization and system management and control measures of the company to deal with COVID-19, and paid special attention to the implementation of regular epidemic prevention measures.

Direct recommendation certification of the two standard-systems and the successful conversion of the occupational health and safety management system indicate that the safe production and environmental management system of KING operates normally and performs well, and plays an effective role in promoting the production and operation of the enterprise.