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Fire Emergency Evacuation Drill-Series of Activities in Safety Month
Author:Li Zuowei    From: 2019-7-17 9:33:21
At 10:00 am on July 5th, 2019, the company organized the Fire Emergency Evacuation Drill, an activity for the safety production month. The activity involved all aspects, and the participants included company staff, related personnel and visitors, totally exceeding 1,000 people. In order to reach the target of the drill, the Safety & Environment Office organized the security officers of all departments to conduct three rounds of tabletop drill before starting the drill. During the actual drill, all departments responded quickly, had clear division of work, and evacuated in a tense and orderly manner. After completion of the drill, the deputy general manager Er Yanwei and the managers of each department made a summary on the drill and put forward the matters that should be attent in the evacuation process to ensure rapid and safe evacuation. After that, the company employees were trained again with the fire fighting knowledge to strenghten the safety awareness.
The Fire Emergency Evacuation Drill not only proved the operability of the emergency plan but also strengthened the employees’ safety awareness and improved their ability to deal with the emergencies.

Text: Li Zuowei
Photo: Wang Mian